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Photo courtesy of Kathryn Calhoun Dennis

Exclusive: Southern Charm Star Kathryn Dennis On Why She Returned For The New Season

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Over the last week or so, several of Kathryn DennisSouthern Charm cast mates have come forward to drop her name, attracting attention, with talk of “imploding friendships” and failed love affairs, but Kathryn has stayed quiet, until now. With season four of Southern Charm coming soon, Kathryn wants to explain why she returned for a new season, and how she sees Southern Charm, and her life, going forward, officially, minus Thomas Ravenel.

Last season was as rough as it could get for Kathryn, as she had just had her son, Saint, and she felt frozen out by most of the cast of Southern Charm, including “baby daddy” Thomas Ravenel. And then, just before the show’s three part reunion, Dennis and  Ravenel started battling in court. Kathryn made the decision, which she considers the right decision, to seek help to get her life back on track. Fans can certainly buckle in for a bumpy ride, but Dennis said she feels like she can hold her head up high for the return that almost wasn’t.


Kathryn says she wasn’t sure it was the best thing for her, to sign up for yet another season as an outsider (really, who would?). But some of the tools she learned, and the supportive social media messages from fans armed her with her new philosophy.

“You don’t have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt,” says Dennis.”You have an idea obligation to play the hell out of the ones you’ve been holding, and that’s what I have done.”

Which is not to say that fans of Southern Charm are going to get a vanilla version of the spicy redhead, because that’s never going to happen, as she will still call out the fake and phony in others, and she promises that she won’t tolerate it in herself either. Like it or not, Kathryn says she is bringing it, and it might not always be pretty or polite, but it will be real, and not without a bit of shade.

RELATED: Thomas Blames Southern Charm For Relationship Failure

I’ve always been an open book–the good the bad the ugly,” Dennis confesses. “It’s the only way I know how to be and I’ve always been proud to say that. Most people live behind filters and create a false sense of self that feels safe to them and golly that must be exhausting.”

Hmmm. We wonder who she is talking about?

Kathryn says she can now see what went on the last few years clearly, and though two wonderful (Kensie and Saint) things came out of her relationship with Southern Charm‘s Thomas Ravenel, it was the worst kind of wild ride, and she got lost.

“The years I spent with Thomas felt like riding on the worst rollercoaster imaginable, with no idea how to get off. But then I did. And then I lost everything.”

For Kathryn, this was a real low point.

“And I really lost myself. My real self. I seriously asked myself who have I become? What in the world have I done? How the heck did I get here?”

Photo courtesy of Kathryn Dennis
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Dennis

But for all of the self-realization of the last year, one thing stays true, and that is the way she feels about her kids, who she says are the focus that keeps her moving forward, even from a time that seemed rather dark.

“My daughter and my son are my angels. From the very beginning, they are the only thing that kept me going.”


Photo Credit: Kathryn Dennis





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