Meghan Edmonds

Meghan King Edmonds Explains Why She Didn’t Rush To Vicki Gunvalson’s Side After The Glamis Accident

Earlier this week The Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson blasted Meghan King Edmonds for “lacking compassion” since she didn’t rush to Vicki’s side after her rollover accident. Vicki was apparently not telling the entire story and Meghan is firing back in her own blog.

Meghan shares, “I honestly can’t believe how horrific the accident was. The most stunning part to me was the silence afterwards. Silence is never a good sign and it was so hard to watch something like that, especially knowing that my friends were involved.”

She continues, “When Heather called to relay the news, you could tell that she was still in shock, so it almost came off a little exaggerated to me. It was pretty hard to gauge the severity of the accident since I wasn’t there, so I’ve been anxious to see it played back on TV.”

On why she didn’t go visit Vicki: first of all, Vicki wasn’t even admitted to the hospital – just treated and released. Second of all, Meghan kept in contact with her the entire time! Meghan shares in her blog, “But even then I asked myself if I was in Vicki’s shoes would I want her to visit me in the ER? I said no. I thought I would feel uncomfortable. Now if Vicki was admitted to the hospital I absolutely would’ve stopped by. Thankfully, Vicki was released from the ER only hours later and she and I were texting throughout her time in the hospital.  Still, after watching it, I’m shocked and grateful that no one was seriously injured.”


So, was Vicki being a drama queen and leaving out the fact that she was texting with Meghan the whole time? Or do you think Meghan should’ve high tailed it to the hospital anyway? What would you do in this situation?


Photo Credit: Bravo TV








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