Kenya Moore Has A Meltdown On The Set Of A Food Network Show

Kenya Moore meltdown on Worst Cooks in America

Anyone who has watched Kenya Moore on Real Housewives of Atlanta, or any other reality show she’s been on, knows that she likes to get her way and when she doesn’t…someone will have hell to pay. Kenya is a contestant on the Food Network series Worst Cooks in America: Celebrity Edition and I can’t imagine that is going too well. I don’t think she enjoys being in any environment that involves criticism, whether it’s constructive or not.

Apparently, Kenya was eliminated earlier than she expected, and she freaked out and threw a tantrum for hours. Kenya reportedly spewed insults and held up production for hours. (WARNING: SHOW SPOILERS BELOW)


To be honest, I had no interest in watching this show, but I might DVR the first episode since Kenya is the first one eliminated. According to the Daily Mail, Kenya freaked out when she was sent home by the show’s judges, Rachael Ray and Anne Burrell.

Kenya supposedly said, “I’m calling my agents and they better fix this shit,” while she was stomping around. Reportedly, she also said, “Without me this damn show will fail.” That’s too good. I am really hoping this meltdown makes the air or at least ends up hitting YouTube.

Apparently, Anne Burrell was not a fan of Kenya’s wardrobe or her insistence on wearing sky high heels in the kitchen. Kenya supposedly thought that Anne was “jealous of her beauty” and “had it out for [her] the entire time.” I wouldn’t doubt that. I mean, it’s not the first time Kenya has had an issue with a reality show costar.

Things allegedly got worse though because Kenya didn’t want to leave the set or film her exit scene. It’s being reported that she declared, “I’m TV gold you assholes. This season will suck without me.” Love her or hate her, she is not wrong about being reality TV gold, but I feel like the season was going to suck anyway. Who even watches that show?

And this whole thing is actually pretty bad news for Kenya. This is the one time when “all publicity is good publicity” just does not apply to Kenya because she went way too far. According to Dail Mail, “It’s safe to say you’ll never see her on another Food Network show or any series in the Scripps TV family of networks ever again. She’s ruined that relationship for good.” We all know how much Kenya loves attention money shit stirring reality TV, so this is a major hit to both her ego and her livelihood.


[Photo Credits: Instagram]


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