LeeAnne Locken Continues To Hate Cary Deuber Because She Doesn’t Want To Be Her Friend

LeeAnne Locken blog

I am so over LeeAnne Locken using her life story as some sort of valid justification for hating on Cary Deuber. Clearly she just hates the woman because she refused to comply with LeeAnne’s made up social rules for the “charity world” that she incessantly clamors on about.

This is so obviously a case of a scorned child acting out because someone does not want to be her friend. Cary did not actually do anything to incite this nonsense. And now LeeAnne finds an excuse to bring up rumors about Cary’s marriage whenever she possibly can and somehow thinks it’s okay.


I have no idea how LeeAnne continues to come up with reasons to excuse her behavior, but she is just an unstoppable force when it comes to defending herself. And of course, LeeAnne went in on Cary in her Bravo blog.

And once again LeeAnne started talking about some bullshit rumors about Cary’s marriage with no regard for her husband or children: “First of all, I did not START the rumor about Cary and her marriage. That rumor has been going around Dallas for the LAST 10 YEARS. It’s been going around since before Mark [Deuber] got divorced and before Cary annulled her second marriage.” You may not have started it, but you CONSTANTLY brought it into conversations when it was never relevant and YOU put it on a nationally televised reality show with no concern for her family members who are watching the show.

LeeAnne then decided to talk about the always popular buzzword “bully” and create a defense for herself: “Cary is constantly calling me a bully, but let me point something out, Cary: I stand up for myself. Standing up for oneself is not being a bully. A bully attacks someone for no reason. A bully attacks someone because they want to create harm. I NEVER want to create harm. I have never started a single fight this season, except for when I yelled at Marie [Reyes] which, by the way, took awhile for me to forgive myself for.” LOL. This is the furthest thing from true. She instigated so much shit the entire season. In fact, she instigated every single issues that happened. We must not be watching the same TV show.

Then LeeAnne did the opposite of convincing the viewers that she is a victim in all confrontations when she wrote, “So you know what? I’m not a bully. Stop calling me a bully. You’re right, Cary. Next time, I will come to you every time there’s a problem. So my suggestion is for you to get REAL PEACE in yoga because every time I have a problem or question that involves you, I’m going to bring it straight to your doorstep.” Right, LeeAnne. You are not at all an instigator….. This woman is a walking contradiction and as much as I really can’t stand her, I just have to admit that she makes amazing television and without her this show would be boring as hell.

LeeAnne is just one of those people who cannot take responsibility for her own off-putting behavior. She treated everyone like they were auditioning to be her sidekick and none of the ladies wanted to take on that role… Well, except for Tiffany Hendra who I imagine LeeAnne has some serious dirt on. Either that or Tiffany is just the most loyal friend in the world.

LeeAnne tried to explain why everyone dislikes her and I can’t even handle it since none of it adds up at all: “Cary doesn’t like me because I’m real, honest and blunt and that irritates Cary beyond her capacity to stand it. This is why Cary calls me fake and has started this mob mentality with Stephanie [Hollman] and Brandi [Redmond]. I feel sorry for Stephanie and Brandi, because they’re never going to be able to open their eyes and see who Cary really is. Maybe in the future, Cary will give me a chance to really sit down and get to know her. I’m certainly going to take the opportunity.”

I don’t understand LeeAnne. It is so blatantly obvious that LeeAnne is desperate to be friends with Cary. And at the same time, it’s absurd because LeeAnne is nothing but horrible to Cary. I was hoping that she would watch the first season and learn from her behavior and correct it, but based on this season full of blog entries and social media posts, that seems to be the opposite of what is happening here.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]



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