Whitney Sudler-Smith Calls Kathryn Dennis A Drug Addict; Kathryn Reacts To WWHL With Cameran, Landon and More


Tonight’s Watch What Happens Live was nearly a Southern Charm reunion episode, minus T-Rav and Kathryn Dennis, although they were the topic of conversation. In the clubhouse tonight: Cameran Eubanks, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Landon Clements, – and later on in the episode – Shep Rose.

Andy reveals that Landon’s ex-husband was once married to Stacey Dash. Andy remarks that Stacy is dumb and then corrects it to “she says dumb things.” Landon just giggles and says they’re in a good place so she’s not messing it up by saying a word.

Landon giggles again when they play a clip of Thomas jumping out the window. “That’s how I feel every time I’m around her. I just want to climb out the window.”

Andy says again that he’s sorry for calling Stacy dumb.

Andy plays a clip of Kathryn explaining to Craig that she had a relationship with Whitney. He’s been waiting to give his side. He first deflects and snarks about adopting her and her kids and co-parenting with her and T-Rav.  Andy says “you clearly had something going with her.” Whitney says “for one night. Fun for TV, however there’s no truth in the matter, but I wish her the best.” Andy says that he seems very defensive about it. Whitney admits “I was very defensive about it because, #1 I was hammered on moonshine and the absurdity struck me a little harder than it should have. So, yes, I did overreact.”

Cameran jumps in “I think Whitney feels like she completely exaggerated their relationship.”

Andy asks what they know about Kathryn failing her drug test. Landon says “That it’s true. And that’s all that we know. It’s heartbreaking and it’s hard to watch and be a part of it, but there we are.”  Cameran says it’s sad.

Why do they accept Thomas‘ behavior but judge Kathryn and ice her out? Landon snipes “he passed his drug test.” Andy says “no, this is before that. You’ve been judging her behavior.”  Whitney jumps in and says they’ve been pegged as mean, snobby, exclusive people to this poor, helpless unwed mother, “when in fact she is a drug addict, violent sociopath and we want nothing to do with her.” He says this has been going on for two years and they don’t want to associate with her because of it.  “It’s indicative of what we’ve been dealing with.”

On everyone questioning the paternity of Kathryn’s children, Cameran says she believes they’re his but even if “one of them wasn’t, he would take responsibility for it.”

A viewer asks if the three of them feel that they treated Kathryn unfairly this season? They all say no. Landon says “We’re old and we don’t care. I just don’t want to be involved.” Cameran says “we don’t want to be dragged into ‘issues’.”  Landon adds, “they have a saying in the South: if you lay down with dogs, you’re going to get up with fleas.”

Landon says that she and Thomas never hooked up. “We’re just friends and I think that was Kathryn’s biggest problem because the friendship I have with Thomas is what she really longed for. It’s sad and I tried to be Kathryn’s friend and she just wasn’t having it. We were friendly for a minute and then she just turned on me.” Cameran adds that Thomas is too loose-lipped. She says if he hooked up with Landon, he would’ve told somebody because he can’t keep a secret.

Shep Rose enters the clubhouse halfway through the show.

A caller asks if they think Thomas and Kathryn will ever get back together? Cameran says no but Shep says “they get back together every other day!” Shep then reveals that he believes Thomas has a bet with someone in his family for a large sum of money if he never talks to Kathryn again. Shep can’t reveal the amount and admits that he doesn’t even know if the story is true. Whitney says it’s true and it’s $100,000, but he clarifies that the “bet” is that if Thomas talks to her he has to pay this certain someone $100K.

Andy is flustered, saying “he’s raising his children with her, of course he has to speak with her.” Whitney clarifies that the bet is that they can’t “get together.”

Poll Question: Shep and Landon: Yes or No?  Cameran says No because they’re too good of friends and Shep loses interest too quickly. Whitney says no, too. “They might have sex and he’d be bored the next morning.”  76% of the viewers voted NO.

Kathryn Tweeted during the show, “The 3 biggest liars #WWHL this is hilarious watching. These creatures are sincerely creeping me out with their utter devotion to writing me off of #southerncharm as well as to slandering me. Ew.”


Photo Credit: Instagram

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