Disappearing Girl

Luann de Lesseps Says She “Hangs Around Ramona Singer Because It’s [Her] Job”


The thing that I like about watching Real Housewives of New York is that there really seems to be history of genuine relationships among the cast. In contrast, I feel like some of the other shows in the franchise just have random combinations of people who make good TV. But anyway, in my head, I just like to think that these women are all close friends and that they will be that way forever.

So it kills me to see everyone hating on Luann de Lesseps this season. And it just feels so vicariously awkward to know that both Sonja Morgan and Ramona Singer had some sort of romantic and/or sexual interactions with Luann’s current fiance Tom D’Agostino. If I could think of a weird that is more extreme than “awkward” I would apply it here. But anyway, it seems like things are pretty “uncool” between Luann and Ramona these days.


In an interview with Hamptons Magazine, Luann discussed working on her new home and planning her wedding. But even during a talk with a magazine that is about topics like real estate and society in the Hamptons, talk inevitably turned to Real Housewives of New York, as I suspect it often does when talking to any of the show’s stars.

So I wasn’t shocked when the interview quickly moved from talking about home renovations to Luann’s wedding planning to the Housewife gossip. Plus, with the show currently airing, a big plot point is Tom’s supposed history with the other ladies.

When the interviewer remarked “I’m glad you found him, then!” after Luann explained why Tom is such a catch, Luann ended up bringing her cast mates into the conversation when she said: “Let me tell you! And that’s why I had that dinner party with some of the ladies from the show and not all of them. Because there is some jealousy there, honey.” I thought that it was basically required for these women to have dinner parties and exclude some of the cast to create dramatic story lines, so I didn’t think anything of it when Luann didn’t invite all of them. Nevertheless, Luann is making it clear that she thinks the ladies are jealous of her and that they want/wanted her man.

So this naturally invited the interviewer to mention Ramona saying that she used to date Tom. And it was noted that Luann immediately “scoff[ed] at the notion.” This confuses me because it seems like she is going back and forth between not caring who he dated and claiming she doesn’t know when it’s convenient for her. But whatever. Not my business.

In regard to Tom’s Real Housewives of New York connections, Luann said, “It’s so funny because he knows all these people from the show and I’ve never seen him in my life. All these women know him but I’ve never seen him before. Isn’t that crazy? We move in the same circles, more or less, so it’s really interesting how we never came to be in the contact with each other.” I have to assume that she is implying that he was never with any of the women in a significant way or she would have previously met him. Or maybe she’s just saying it’s completely untrue. I don’t know, but she doesn’t seem too phase by it either way.

When Luann was discussing how the show can be springboard for her many businesses, she brought it back to Ramona (again) with this burn: “I’ve been doing it for eight years now. Somebody said to me, ‘How can you hang around Ramona?’ And I say: ‘It’s my job. She’s my dysfunctional family member, what can I tell you?’” Well, damn. Yes, it is true that she does get paid to hang around Ramona, but that was definitely a dig. SHADE THROWN.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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