I feel like we all need a friend like Tiffany Hendra. She is beyond loyal to LeeAnne Locken, the unofficial Real Housewives of Dallas villain. I have no idea why she sticks by LeeAnne other than citing their decades of history, but it is nice that she has stuck by her side.
Nevertheless, I just don’t get it. It really seems like LeeAnne views her as some subservient sidekick and based on the first season of this show, LeeAnne brings drama wherever she goes. It has to be tough being her bestie, but Tiffany (somehow) wears that title with pride so it’s not shocking that she is still pissed off about Marie Reyes talking about the poop in the car story.
First off, I want to know why there are so many poop-related story lines on this show? I have to assume that there are more interesting things for these women to discuss, but it always comes back to shit talk – literally. Not only are these women talking about poop on the show, but Tiffany continued to discuss the poop in a bag incident in her Bravo blog.
If you’ve read anything else that I have written, you probably noticed that I am not a fan of Leanne – at all – but even I thought it was weird how no one felt bad that Marie blatantly betrayed LeeAnne‘s trust by sharing that embarrassing incident with other people. There was nothing right about that and I have to agree with Tiffany when she wrote, “The thing that blows my mind even more about this whole insane situation is that it could have all been alleviated by Marie Reyes owning it. I want to puke when I visualize her big bug eyes lying straight to our faces. It really is dangerous behavior and it’s shocking that the girls can’t see it.” Seriously though. Marie has not taken any responsibility for sharing that story and no one finds it all offensive that she was such a shitty friend. And yeah, in all honesty, it is creepy AF how she could just straight up lie to their faces like that. But then again, this is the only way Marie can get screen time since she is not actually a Real Housewives of Dallas cast member.
RELATED: Marie Reyes Blames All The RHOD Drama On Tiffany Hendra
Obviously Tiffany would never betray LeeAnne and Marie is desperate for attention so it makes sense that out of the two of them that Marie is the one who shared the secret. Tiffany wrote, “Again, there were only three of us in that car and I had never met Taylor so it certainly wasn’t me who told him that stupid story. Marie saying that he ‘made it up’ is just more lying. Lying is a slippery slope and you start with one and then have to keep lying to back up the first lie. Really, out of all the things he could have pulled out of thin air it just so happened to be the one thing that us three were present for! OMG. I feel the heat going up my face right now. I have zero tolerance for liars!!!!”
Honestly though. Why would Taylor coincidentally make up a story that happened to be true!? Obviously, Marie told him since she is an attention-seeking shit stirrer. I don’t get the point of making a concerted effort to embarrass someone on television – it’s also going to make you look bad, Marie. That was just such a f–ked up thing to do. Plus, Marie’s title description under name is “LeeAnne’s friend” so she wouldn’t even be on this show if it wasn’t for her!
Then Tiffany had a lot of fun with the caps lock key when she wrote out this list:
“FACT: LeeAnne was B E T R A Y E D.
FACT: Marie L I E D. Well, has lied several times now.
FACT: LeeAnne should not have threatened her or yelled abusively.
FACT: I do not approve of or condone that behavior. I’m in NO way an enabler.”
I have to agree with all of that except for the last part. LeeAnne’s continual outbursts are in no way okay. A lot of the time LeeAnne actually has a valid point to defend, but she completely detracts from it when she goes batshit crazy. Justifying LeeAnne’s constant freak outs is enabling since it gives her permission to act out again and again.
Marie is a shitty friend (pun intended) for sharing that private story about LeeAnne and LeeAnne was out of control when she went crazy on her. Neither of them were in the right – AT ALL, but Tiffany is dead set on befriending her polarizing bestie: “Can we stick to the facts? I was beyond pissed that Marie was looking like the saint and all the girls were completely clueless, oblivious, or maybe they were just consciously choosing to ignore Marie’s betrayal to get at LeeAnne.”
I just want to know what is keeping this friendship together. Sure, I understand maintaining a relationship with someone because there are so many years of history between you two, but I just don’t get why Tiffany is so loyal to someone who brings constant controversy. I do get why she hates Marie though – she is a desperate social climber.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]