Cary Deuber RHOD

Cary Deuber Is Tired Of LeeAnne Locken Trashing Her Marriage

Am I the only one who noticed that LeeAnne Locken always brings up Cary Deuber‘s marriage whenever people get mad at her? It is never the topic of conversation, but whenever LeeAnne is backed into a corner (after she f–ks everything up with the women in the cast), she just brings up the alleged “facts” about Cary being a homewrecker.

I have no idea why she chose to turn this into a story line, but no one is picking up what she’s laying down. She has no factual information about Cary’s life and she barely knows her. It is clear that she is so desperate to get the negative spotlight away from herself and it is not working. As a viewer I’m over it, so I can’t imagine how Cary herself has felt watching these Real Housewives of Dallas episodes.


I really don’t understand why LeeAnne is constantly coming for Cary. Cary is over it and wrote about it in her Bravo blog.

When I was watching the last Real Housewives of Dallas episode, I nearly fell off of the couch when LeeAnne started to talk about how she doesn’t judge people. That cannot be further from what I’ve watched this whole season and Cary felt the same way. She even wrote, “She says, ‘Judge is a big word for me.’ Like, ‘I don’t do judge!’ Well, saying that to me really bugs the shit out of me, because I’ve been watching and hearing her repeatedly judge all of us.” Exactly, she has been casting judgment the entire season and igniting controversy for no reason. LeeAnne saying she’s not judgmental is the furthest thing from the truth.

To be honest, I feel like everyone was really overreacting when LeeAnne flipped out at Marie Reyes. There was no way that she was actually threatening to kill her. It’s just a figure of speech and people need to stop being so politically correct. I’m not saying that her freak out was justified or at all okay, but people are really coming down on her way too hard for it. And since Cary already hates LeeAnne, it is not at all surprising that she wrote, “The three of us were under the covers practically in tears. LeeAnne was threatening Taylor and Marie and saying she was going to ruin them in Dallas and she was going to kill Marie. ‘I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!'” I would be freaked out too. But LeeAnne is just insane. If they were really concerned for their safety, they would have done something about it – instead of only addressing the incident when the camera crew came back to the lake house the next morning… how convenient.
I’m sure that a lot of people think it is weird that Cary decided to record LeeAnne going crazy instead of calling the cops or helping Marie in some way, but I get why she would record it. She needed the evidence or else LeeAnne and her weirdly loyal posse (Marie and Tiffany Hendra) would have denied it to cover up for her. I actually agree with her justification for recording the incident: “I gotta put the recording I made into perspective. Up to this point in the actual filming, the only erratic thing I knew for a fact LeeAnne did was throw that glass of wine at Marie’s party. We only saw and knew about what we personally witnessed in our interactions with LeeAnne. So, I was afraid LeeAnne wouldn’t be held accountable for all of the crazy she does; and, frankly, I needed some proof for me to maintain my sanity.” LeeAnne has a skewed view on everything that happens so I really do understand the need to have evidence.
I really have no idea why LeeAnne wants to bring up Cary’s marriage every time people are mad at her, but she does it every. single. time. And I don’t blame Cary for going off about LeeAnne yet again when she wrote: “I’d kinda like LeeAnne to forget about and ignore me. You know, instead of continuing to judge and trash my marriage with her gossiping again. I’m still trying to figure out that comparison. Killing Marie vs me marrying Mark [Deuber]. I’m pretty sure one of them lands you in prison. That’s not even apples to oranges. Maybe apples to blow driers?! It doesn’t make sense! Get over me LeeAnne! Read my lips: ‘I DID NOT STEAL MY HUSBAND.’ Just because LeeAnne says something doesn’t make it so.” Honestly though. LeeAnne needs to give it a rest. She is the only one who wants to talk about this topic and it really makes her look bad more than anything.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]
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