Tiffany Hendra Was “So Bored And Just Wanted To Leave” Heidi Dillon’s Party


I cannot help feeling bad for Tiffany Hendra on Real Housewives of Dallas. It seems like she is the only cast member who is actually friends with all of the girls and since they pretty much all hate LeeAnne Locken, that has to be extremely awkward for her. Tiffany seems like a nice person and a very loyal friend, so it seriously has to suck being caught in the middle of LeeAnne’s many beefs with the rest of the cast.

LeeAnne was being especially manipulative when she decided to invite Cary Deuber, Stephanie Hollman, and Brandi Redmond to Heidi Dillon’s party just so they can meet her and give her justification to talk shit (aka regurgitate LeeAnne’s opinions). LeeAnne was just way too desperate to set up drama and she really did a poor job at it. The tension that she contrived made for an extremely boring party for the guests and the viewers.


LeeAnne was just so transparent with her attempts to put Cary on blast and even her “BFF” Tiffany was over it. She even wrote about this in her Bravo blog: “I would have preferred it if it all had gone down without this idle chatter and tension about Cary’s marriage.” Seriously though. LeeAnne took it upon herself to make a charity event and a party some sort of hate fest for Cary. It was so disgusting and unnecessary. It almost makes me miss everyone arguing over that poop hat- almost.

And that party just looked beyond lame. Well, apparently it wasn’t just edited that way because Tiffany confirmed my opinion when she wrote, “What the hell with that bizarre goth party at Heidi Dillon’s? It was probably one of the absolute worst and more boring parties I’ve ever attended in Dallas. That made me feel bad for Heidi because she put so much effort into it!” Sure, Heidi made some food, but she really put more effort into making her guests feel uncomfortable and humiliating them in public. Maybe if she was actually nice instead of doing LeeAnne’s dirty work, the event would have been a success.

I have no idea what Tiffany was thinking when she wrote, “​I know LeeAnne must have been anxious from the start because the girls were stepping into her inner circle.” Umm no, LeeAnne was beyond pumped to unleash her lapdog Heidi on her new enemies. LeeAnne was not at all anxious. She knew exactly what was going to happen because she set it up that way. She was beyond transparent with her manipulative tendencies.

Tiffany also wrote, “Heidi deserves a do-over! Bad vibe after bad vibe, and it was just like a domino effect. It all went to hell in a hand basket fast.” I don’t think Heidi deserves shit. She is an attention seeker who is desperate to be on reality TV. And most importantly she gets off on talking down to her own party guests and trying to humiliate them on television. For a woman who is so high and mighty in the “charity world” that LeeAnne endlessly references, it is sad that Heidi is not a more compassionate person.

I wasn’t even at this party and I had the same thoughts that Tiffany did: “I was getting so bored and just wanted to leave.” I’m sure that everyone felt the same way. The party was horrible and Heidi is not a gracious host.

And this is why I feel so bad for Tiffany: everyone on this show hates LeeAnne and her cronies so it puts her in such an awkward position. Does she defend her friends if it offends other friends? Does she sit by and let the drama happen? This has to be a super tough situation to navigate.

With that said, Tiffany stood up not standing up for Cary in person with this explanation: “​You can see me in the background on my phone, so I didn’t hear Heidi ask Cary to ‘demonstrate’ with the corn dog until I saw this episode. Ummmm, ok I get it. She was trying to liven things up or Heidi was just digging back at Cary over the awkward moment they had at the House Of Blues. Again, so boring.” Yep. That sounds about right: so boring- cough, cough Heidi and LeeAnne.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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