leeanne locken

LeeAnne Locken Thinks Cary Deuber Pretends To Be Perfect

I was finally starting to see something likable in LeeAnne Locken during the last Real Housewives of Dallas episode. She finally apologized to Stephanie Hollman for irrationally attacking her at that cocktail party. She also showed that she has a heart when she expressed sympathy for Brandi Redmond finding out that her brother tried to take his own life as a result of PTSD. 

But then she was still the same old LeeAnne Locken: self righteous and beyond obnoxious. Since she decided to be nice to and about Brandi, I guess she needed someone to take her place as a target to make fun of and she set her sights on Cary Deuber. Essentially she is mad that Cary doesn’t want to be her friend or obsess about this so-called “charity world” That she is constantly referencing so she decided to mock Cary and take down her reputation for revenge.


The woman didn’t leave her hatred strictly to the episode: LeeAnne also used her Bravo blog to attack Cary even more. I really have no idea why Cary’s personal life or the timing of when she met her husband are any of LeeAnne’s business, but she decided that it is and that she somehow has the right to turn a skewed version of Cary’s backstory into public fodder.

I’m not sure why LeeAnne thinks that constantly putting down Cary is going to make her look good, but that seems to be her strategy thus far. In her blog, LeeAnne wrote, “Cary wants everyone to believe she is perfect, and it bothers her when people like Heidi and myself can live our true lives, be our true selves: loud, proud, fun and obnoxious –- no hiding the real.” Are we watching the same show? Cary seems pretty real to me. It’s LeeAnne who is constantly trying to put up a front about how elitist she is in Dallas society. Not to mention that I’ve never actually seen LeeAnne having fun on RHOD the entire time. She’s usually just uptight and bitching in the corner.

Then LeeAnne decided to talk about that party that she weirdly invited Cary to at her own friend’s house. On the show, she only admitted to inviting Cary so her friend can form a negative opinion on her as well. LeeAnne wrote, “Look, the party was actually really fun until Cary showed up. When Cary walked into the party, the temperature in the room dropped about 50 degrees. So if Cary felt like things were a little awkward, they weren’t awkward until she got there. #PayAttention” Umm yeah, it was cold because you did not acknowledge or greet Cary at a party where she didn’t even know the host that you invited her to. Sure, Cary was way too preoccupied greeting the dog, but that was after LeeAnne had ample time to talk to her and refused to.

LeeAnne also thinks that she has a profound reason for disliking Cary: “Cary’s behavior isn’t what upsets me. It’s Cary herself that upsets me. The problem that I have with Cary is that Cary has a problem with me.” Well, pretty much everyone (including the viewers) has a problem with LeeAnne so this leaves her with no one left to like.

I do agree with her on this one point though. I too think it was weird for Cary to brag about being married three times and saying that LeeAnne was jealous: “I love how she wants to come on camera and say that she’s been married three times and I can’t get even one and APPARENTLY that’s why I’m jealous of her. Let me get this straight. She’s destroyed two marriages, and I should be jealous of this? I have chosen never to be married because I take my vow in the house of God to God himself more seriously than anyone I know.” I think it’s ridiculous for LeeAnne to talk about Cary’s marriages when she is not friends with her and knows nothing about her past. It’s all conjecture and gossip to make the girl look bad.

Then she accused Cary of being cold and uptight which is weird since LeeAnne has not cracked a genuine smile during any of the RHOD episodes: “She came in frozen and left the same way. She spent zero time trying to speak to anyone besides the dog, Brandi and Stephanie, and instead spent her time trying to sway opinions about how the evening was going. You know what her problem is? She can’t just let her guard down for a single moment to have a good time. That’s sad. Why do you feel the need to constantly be cold and uptight, Cary? Let your hair down, girl. It won’t kill you. Lighten up a bit!” Says the most overly serious person in the entire cast.

I agree that they both need to chill out a little, but LeeAnne is just looking for problems with people and judging for no reason. It is extremely obnoxious.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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