Brandi Glanville On How Authentic Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Is

Brandi Glanville promotes Famously Single

I may be in the minority, but I miss seeing Brandi Glanville on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I know she was very polarizing, but you know what, at least she was never boring. She always captivated me when she was on screen, and let’s face it: that last season of RHOBH was extremely boring and needed her to shake things up from the super repetitive Munchausen plot.

Thankfully, it seems like Brandi hasn’t found a reality show that she won’t join, so it’s not like she has been missing from our lives for too long – especially now since she is promoting Famously Single. She has been doing a ton of interviews and of course she is still talking about RHOBH. And she has a lot to say about it and just how “real” Real Housewives of Beverly Hills actually is.


I really think RHOBH needs Brandi back, so part of me is annoyed that she’s doing all these other reality shows, but I am happy she’s still talking shit and discussing Real Housewives of Beverly Hills whenever she possibly can. This is exactly what she did during a Fox News interview.

Brandi said what I was thinking when she explained, “Beverly Hills Housewives will always be a part of my life. It’s like you’re grandfathered in. I will always be a Housewife forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.” And that is how I will always look at her, but RHOBH could really use her level of craziness.

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Brandi is acting like she’s happy to be off of Real Housewives even though it never seemed like it was her choice, but maybe she is just making the most out of being fired? Brandi said, “It’s been nice having a break and not always having to strategize and think about what’s going to happen next and who’s going to come at you.” I had no idea there was so much foresight and planning to being a Real Housewife other than scheduling dinner parties and Bravo-funded trips, but Brandi is saying that it is a highly manipulative process being on the show.

Brandi continued talking shit on the show that made her a household name (or at least pretty relevant) when she said, “Constantly being combative with people is just not happy or fun. I needed the break that I had. Famously Single was perfect because actually going into it, I went in thinking, ‘We’re just here to work on love. There’s no prizes and there’s no drama.'” I don’t know what to make of that. I’m sure it can be stressful being a Real Housewife, but I would rather be on a established reality show that is a real powerhouse than a show that is not even guaranteed to have all its episodes air.

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Brandi shaded Real Housewives of Beverly Hills even further – ummm, I mean “promoted Famously Single” when she said, “Everything that happened was so authentic – not that Housewives wasn’t authentic. I think on Housewives, the other women plan with each other who to go after. Whereas, with this, we’re all here living under one roof and there’s drama because there’s actually drama.” So, once again, Brandi is implying that RHOBH is a pretty manipulated scenario. And for all I know that’s probably true, but she just sounds like a bitter ex to me.


[Photo Credit: Evans Vestal Ward/Bravo]


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