I have no idea why anyone likes LeeAnne Locken. I’m looking at you, Tiffany Hendra, an apparent saint considering her kindness and loyalty thus far on Real Housewives of Dallas. LeeAnne is not nice to anyone and it seems like she uses charity to advance her own social standing. The other RHOD ladies agree with my sentiments since they have all been talking about and coming for LeeAnne.
I was hoping that it was a misunderstanding and LeeAnne secretly has a heart of gold or something like that, but that is clearly not the case. I have no idea why LeeAnne is so vicious, but she is always going after these women and it’s scary AF. She even had the nerve to detail how each of them has marriage problems and that that they take these issues out on her. The woman is definitely reaching. This is worse than when she said that God showed her Marie Reyes‘s text messages when it was clearly Tiffany who printed them out for her. I’m pretty sure God has better things to do than reach out to LeeAnne about a former friend who can’t stand her.
I hoped that LeeAnne would use her Bravo blog to apologize for her batshit crazy behavior, but that is the opposite of what happened. Instead, she decided to insert herself into other people’s relationships and make assumptions based on a lack of actual knowledge.
I have no idea why LeeAnne thinks she has the authority or knowledge to psychoanalyze these people, but she has, and if it wasn’t so ridiculous, it would be extremely insulting. She was really reaching with this blog entry.
LeeAnne wrote about Cary Deuber‘s marriage, “Watching Cary talk about her husband always being right gives me so much more insight about why Cary tries so hard to be ‘right’ with everyone in every conversation, especially with me. Cary, please note: I’m going to start letting you be right every once in a while.” From what we’ve seen so far, Cary is pretty happy in her marriage. Sure, they have a unique dynamic, but she’s feeling it, and LeeAnne is probably just jealous that she is neither married nor engaged. LeeAnne is delusional. She really thinks that everything is about her.
LeeAnne had the nerve to say: “This episode was very enlightening in a few ways.” Umm yeah, it showed all of the viewers that you are a self-involved attention seeker who loves to stir shit up.
LeeAnne also went in on Stephanie Hollman‘s marriage: “I watched Stephanie and Travis’ relationship and in particular how Travis likes to control things. I’m reminded of Stephanie’s last blog about how she thinks I want to control things.” She does like to control things. It’s so obvious that she thought she would be the queen bee on RHOD, especially when she referred to herself as an elder. She always acts like she is in charge of the rules for everything and nothing ever works out for her. Everyone can see through her nonsense.
Of course, LeeAnne will take any dig at Brandi Redmond that she possibly can and decided to share her two cents on her marriage as well: “I watched Brandi and Bryan’s relationship and how she doesn’t feel like she gets the attention she needs from him. Then I hear Brandi say that I can’t remember her name and in many ways these things translate as me not giving her the attention she wants.”
Brandi does not want attention from you, LeeAnne. If you weren’t contractually obligated to be on the same reality show, she would never want to see you. You bring controversy everywhere you go and you treat everyone in the cast like they’re beneath you. It is beyond condescending to talk about these women’s marriages and to have audacity to say that your assessments somehow translate to the way that they view you. NEWS FLASH: these women have a negative view of you because of all the negativity that you bring to pretty much every situation – charity functions included.
As if the fans couldn’t read or understand the point LeeAnne was trying to make, she decided to wrap it all up with this statement and a dramatic ellipse at the end: “So, I’m starting to understand why Cary, Brandi, and Stephanie all have issues with me…” Right, because we couldn’t figure out what you were trying to say on your own. The blog was not exactly subtle.
For good measure, LeeAnne also wrote this: “I think they subconsciously superimpose an image of their husband’s face on me and then come at me. I’m nothing like Mark, Travis, or Bryan. I’m LeeAnne. And I deserve to, at least, be seen as LeeAnne.” They clearly do see LeeAnne as LeeAnne. Her actions are the reason that none of the women like her. It is unfair and unfounded to use their marriages as a justification for being disliked.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]