Bethenny Frankel Explains Why Her Jaw Looks Different

Bethenny Frankel jaw botox

Lately, I could not tell if my mind was playing tricks on me, but I couldn’t figure out why Bethenny Frankel looked so different to me these days. Every time I watch Real Housewives of New York, I try to figure out what is going on with her face. I thought that maybe it was just the change up with her short hair cut or that she got a new makeup artist or something, but then I started to look back at some old photos. It was obvious that her jaw looks very different than it used to.

Bethenny‘s jaw used to be a lot more defined than it is now. And Bethenny is always talking about how she keeps it real and she’s already copped to getting breast implants, so I am sort of confused by why she didn’t say why her jaw looks so drastically different. Well, she’s finally come clean about the changes.


In an interview with the Daily Mail, Bethenny finally addressed the speculation about why her face looks like it has changed – spoiler alert: it’s because it has changed. She fessed up, “I do look different. I’ve had Botox in my jaw. You can see that my jaw has completely changed.” Well, yeah. That’s pretty obvious. I’ve never dabbled with the injectables, but I don’t get why someone would get Botox in her jaw of all places.

Bethenny has a weirdly unique explanation for this though: “About three years ago, my dermatologist said to me, why don’t we try injecting your jaw because it’s so tense.” Apparently Bethenny suffers because she grinds and clenches her teeth. I had no idea that dentists could refer patients to try Botox, but maybe things are different if you are a celebrity? I have no idea. It seems like a really strange excuse to me, but Bethenny is usually super upfront, so maybe it is true?

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Bethenny admitted that she is happy with the Botox for aesthetic reasons: “I think it’s why I can take a shorter haircut.” Bethenny is adamantly denying going under the knife though, “I have not had invasive plastic surgery, I have not had a nose job.” 

I honestly never know what to believe when it comes to these Real Housewives and what they have and have not had done. They are either bragging about their surgeries and tag their doctors in the Instagram post so they can get a discounted (or free) procedure or they are on the other extreme, keeping all of their beauty secrets super private. So it is hard to tell if Bethenny really came clean about everything that she has had done.


[Photo Credits: DJDM/]

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