LeeAnne Locken blog

LeeAnne Locken Tries To Justify Her Explosive Behavior On Real Housewives Of Dallas

I am really hoping that LeeAnne Locken will end up being the next Camille Grammer. It’s hard to recall, but in the first season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills everyone hated Camille and pretty much every fight involved her in some way. After that, she became one of the most beloved Real Housewives of all time. And this is what I want for LeeAnne.

As of this moment, LeeAnne has that first part down. She is at the center of pretty much every controversy during this first season of Real Housewives of Dallas. It seems like there is a good person in there, but I’m very confused by her behavior in social settings and very taken aback by her explosive behavior in this week’s episode. Instead of just owning up to what happened in her blog and apologizing for going off the rails, LeeAnne just tries to explain why she acted the way she did (transfer responsibility for her own actions onto others). 


I was really hoping that LeeAnne would issue some apologies in her Bravo blog entry, but she really did not do that for the most part. However, she did acknowledge that Tiffany Hendra is a very good friend, which I’m very happy about. Tiffany is extremely loyal and from what we’ve seen on the show, LeeAnne tends to push her around (literally and figuratively). Sure, I bet it’s not always that way and I get that the most entertaining scenes make the cut for a TV show, but what the viewers saw did actually happen, so I can’t help feeling bad for Tiffany sometimes.

LeeAnne wrote, “When Tiffany said that she’s a Ride-or-Die girl in her interview, I agree with that completely.” And then she immediately tried to justify her own outrageous behavior:  “But that night, I truly felt like she wasn’t fully with me. I felt all alone. Have you ever had that feeling that everyone seems to be focusing on you, attacking you, and you are all by yourself? That’s how I felt that night. Abandoned and alone.” It was obvious that Tiffany was only trying to help her friend get along with women that she was fighting with, so it is sad that even in hindsight LeeAnne has to continue her attempts to justify her intense anger.

Of course, LeeAnne had to talk poorly about Brandi Redmond: “I think Brandi just didn’t want peace at that moment. Brandi is the one who, once again, came at me aggressively with her words. I allowed it for a bit and then I felt the need to defend myself. You can only poke a bear so long before its nature kicks in.” Were we watching the same show? LeeAnne really took things to an intense level. So even if Brandi did “poke” her, it really did not justify any of part of that meltdown.

LeeAnne also  tried to justify yelling at an innocent Stephanie Hollman: “I also want to address the fact that Stephanie Hollman was wrong in her assumption of how I defend myself. I would never extend a conversation about one person to their entire family. That’s not how I operate and that’s not who I am. As far as me threatening Stephanie, just hit the rewind button. Stephanie insinuated herself in to the argument by sarcastically saying, ‘Classy.’ If she didn’t want to become a part of the argument, then she should have stayed out of it. Easy as that. Don’t provoke someone if you can’t handle a response.”

RELATED: Brandi On LeeAnne: “I Called Her A Bitch And I Meant It”

Once again, were we watching the same show? Stephanie was commenting on LeeAnne‘s rude behavior toward the rest of the cast. No one asked her to get crazy, throw champagne, and insult random people. Stephanie was a part of that argument because LeeAnne made her a part of that argument. I can see that she could have felt “provoked,” but she did not have to respond to that comment. She could have taken the opportunity to be the bigger person…but she refused.

The icing on the cake? LeeAnne blamed the camera crew for her breakdown outside of the party: “When Tiffany approached me on the street, I’d already processed what I had done. I couldn’t take it back, and I just wanted to leave. I didn’t want anyone to come after me. I was aware that there was a film crew following me, which is what pushed me over the top – I wanted to be free of the eyes watching me and the judgment. That’s when I hit the camera, which I regret and am sorry for.” If you don’t want a camera crew following you around during unflattering moments, then it probably is not the best idea to be a cast member in a popular reality show franchise. Just a thought.

I really hope that LeeAnne is able to turn things around this season or maybe even during Season 2 if that happens. I am still holding out for a Camille 2.0 scenario. 


[Photo Credits: Bravo]


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