Brandi Redmond Thinks People Are “Afraid Of” LeeAnne Locken

Real Housewives of Dallas has only aired a few episodes so far and it’s already blatantly clear that LeeAnne Locken is playing the “villain” role. With the exception of Tiffany Hendra, most of the women seem to be against her at this point. Brandi Redmond is the most vocal with her disdain for LeeAnne and the dislike is mutual.

So it is not at all shocking that Brandi took the time to talk about LeeAnne’s behavior during the explosive RHOD episode. The confrontation between LeeAnne….and pretty much the entire cast was definitely not a good look for her. Sure, we all have our moments, but that was definitely an extreme one. So it’s no shock that Brandi took the opportunity to react to her rival’s behavior in this week’s episode.


Whenever I watch RHOD, I feel like Brandi usually says what I am thinking- well, minus the constant “Jesus juice” references because that just makes me feel pretty uncomfortable and reminds me of the Michael Jackson trial. But anyway, for the most part, I feel like this girl is pretty on point when it comes to making social observations.

I’m not too shocked that Brandi laid into LeeAnne in her Bravo blog, but I think it is very nice and fair that she also gave respect and credit to LeeAnne’s friendship with Tiffany. Brandi wrote, “I was shocked to see LeeAnne Locken feel as if Tiffany did not have her back. Tiffany always goes over and beyond to make excuses for LeeAnne and her behavior.”

And of course, she alluded to her days as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader: “I had no idea what was going on outside but I wanted to break out my poms and cheer for Tiffany standing up for herself. Way to go Tiffany, I know that it can be hard when you love and care for someone so much and Tiffany truly does this when it comes to LeeAnne. They have a very unique friendship and sometimes I don’t get it but that’s what we do when we love. We forgive, forget and move on. Tiffany just wanted everyone to get along and I appreciated her apology because I do know she had good intentions.” I feel like some of the viewers would be confused by LeeAnne and Tiffany’s friendship based on what is shown on RHOD, but it is nice to see that Brandi is standing up for it even though we all know how she feels about LeeAnne. It shows that she is able to look past any bias that she may have.


But then we all know that Brandi can’t stand this woman, especially after she went after Brandi’s BFF Stephanie Hollman, so she had to address that in her blog. Brandi wrote, “The aftermath of LeeAnne’s behavior left the room buzzing and of course Stephanie shaking and in tears. I think if some people weren’t afraid of LeeAnne, they are now. Just saying, it’s hard to be rational with someone that reacts in an irrational way.” Once again, I feel like Brandi has a solid point. LeeAnne just went off on everyone and it’s pretty much just lingering animosity from a hat that Brandi wore as a joke. The woman needs to let go and stop misdirecting her anger toward everyone. It is just not at all becoming and it seems like she is just wasting her time.

Then Brandi had to rag on LeeAnne’s Carny background, because why not? She was already dissing her so she might as well throw in whatever else she can: “Her statement about being Christian but sometimes Carny was classic, so now I will ask her, are you going to be a Christian or a Carny towards me today?” I actually do hope that Brandi starts greeting LeeAnne with that question. I would not be shocked if she did. Brandi does not seem to be the kind of woman who would back down from an enemy.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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