Sonja Morgan Explains Her Absence In The Last Episode & A Possible Acting Gig

If you felt like the last Real Housewives of  New York City episode did not feel right, that’s because it was not. RHONY is definitely lacking any time the viewers don’t get to watch my girl Sonja Morgan. Where was she? The Hamptons episode would have been a lot more fun for the fans if Sonja was present.

There was virtually no comic relief during the entire episode. It was just one drama after another after another. No one has a good time like Sonja, so where was RHONY‘s most fun cast member? Sonja clears that up in her latest blog entry.

Click Continue Reading To See What Sonja Has To Say

Thankfully, Sonja was not missing as a result of any sort of discord between her and the other ladies. In Sonja’s Bravo blog she explained that she was included in the Hampton invite, but she had a really good reason to miss out on all the fun (and drama): “Listening to Bethenny say everyone is invited to come to her place in the Hamptons every day and open to everyone was getting me so excited, then I realized I wasn’t going. I’m really missing having fun and laughs with Bethenny.”

So what was everyone’s favorite entrepreneur up to instead? Sonja wrote, “My daughter is off to boarding school and this was the first weekend open for parents, so I needed to be there. Lu invited me to stay with her, but I couldn’t. I had regretted not seeing Bethenny over the summer when she invited me to stay with her and her daughter, but my daughter wanted every last minute with me at our home where she grew up before moving out.” Aww. That’s sweet and a very valid reason for missing out on the histrionics in the Hamptons. I just wish that we got to see Sonja with her daughter on the show. I feel like that would be great television, but obviously I respect their privacy with that one.


Sonja shared the same sentiment that I had when watching the episode when she wrote, “But I gotta say a little bit of Sonja could have spiced this party up. At least I could have made some people laugh. It was like Braveheart. Or Gladiator. Or Game of Thrones! ” Honestly though! The episode would have been a lot more enjoyable if I got to see Sonja chugging wine and hitting on one of the bartenders at Bethenny’s party.

Aside from being a devoted mommy, it seems like Sonja has something a little bit mysterious on her schedule these days. She’s being a little bit aloof, but based on the caption it seems like Sonja has some sort of acting gig in the works.


Hair & Makeup while reviewing a script. No it’s not for #rhony. I know U guys always wanna say we r scripted! Xo

A photo posted by Sonja Morgan (@sonjatmorgan) on


I hope I’m right about this one and that we will see Sonja as an actor at some point soon.

Tonight Ramona hosts a birthday lunch and confronts Sonja about why she’s avoiding her. 

Jules airs her grievances to Dorinda and Carole concerning Bethenny’s abrasiveness during the Hamptons trip. Bethenny gains a newfound respect for Jules when Jules opens up about a personal struggle. Meanwhile, Ramona finally tells Sonja why she has avoided spending time with her. Then, Ramona hosts an eventful birthday lunch where Luann makes a regifting faux pas, Bethenny confronts Luann about her behavior over the summer, and Dorinda delivers a double-edged toast.

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[Photo Credits: Bravo]

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