Kathryn Dennis

Kathryn Dennis Throws Shade At Landon Clements On Twitter; Reveals A New Man On Instagram

No matter how you feel about her, you have to admit that Southern Charm would be extremely boring without Kathryn Dennis. Yes, the rest of the cast is attractive and endearing, but they really don’t provide the story lines on a regular basis the way Kathryn and Thomas Ravenel do. To say that Kathryn is “entertaining” would be the understatement of the century. 

Not only does Kathryn bring the juicy plot points to the show, but she is also owning Twitter every Monday night with her rants. If you watch Southern Charm and don’t follow up by reading Kathryn‘s reaction tweets, you really are not getting the full viewer experience. She really goes in and spills the tea.

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Like I said before, reading Kathryn’s tweets really enhance the Southern Charm experience. She does not hold back – to say the least.

On the most recent episode, Landon Clements threw a birthday party for Shep Rose and claims that she invited Kathryn, but Kathryn said that she was never contacted. Not only was Kathryn upset, but so was Shep. So I have to assume that would explain why Kathryn tweeted about Landon using her for a story line. 



Kathryn also claimed that Landon approached Thomas to fake a relationship in front of the cameras, which is a pretty bold accusation. I’m dying to see some screen shots or something to verify this.


Kathryn retweeted a fan who said that Landon wishes she had Thomas’s baby and agreed with the sentiment. Damn. 



I almost died when I saw that Kathryn quoted a tweet from a fan who dug up a screen shot of Cameran Eubanks making out in a hot tub during her time on the Real World.


I really live for Kathryn‘s tweets, whether I agree with her words or not. She is always going off on Monday nights and it really is the perfect supplement to the show. But Twitter Kathryn and Instagram Kathryn are very different accounts. On Twitter, Kathryn defends herself, reacts to the show, and shares juicy gossip. That’s pretty understandable though since she pretty much has to live in the past whenever Southern Charm is currently airing. On Instagram, she is just a happy woman who is trying to live her best life. 

On the show, we are seeing Kathryn go through some stressful times during her pregnancy, but on Instagram, Kathryn has revealed her smoking hot post-baby body. Check out the pic – I’m sure Thomas has already.



Not only has Kathryn put the pregnancy pounds behind her, but it also seems like she has moved on from Thomas as well. She posted a photo with a mystery dude accompanied by a caption that indicates a romantic relationship between the two of them.



#sohappy #Charleston #mine

A photo posted by Kathryn Calhoun Dennis (@kathryndennis) on

If you’re a fan of Southern Charm and you don’t follow Kathryn on social media, you are definitely missing out. Kathryn always comes through with some amusing stuff.


Photo Credit: Bravo

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