Kyle Richards

11 Amazing Times Kyle Richards Dropped An F-Bomb

I can’t help feeling intimidated when people who normally don’t curse start throwing around swear words. It just adds more of a severity to their words than it would if someone who is constantly cursing says something inappropriate. Case in point, Kyle Richards on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Most of the time she’s calm, cool, and collected, but she has some of the best moments when it comes to her use of the “f” word.

I feel like Kyle‘s good girl persona really makes me feel the impact of the word “f–k” when I’m watching the show from my couch at home. It is just so off base for her so she really makes a splash. With that said, Kyle has really had some iconic lines that all revolve around the infamous “f” word. She is definitely not the Real Housewife who curses the most, but her words deliver the most punch and there have been plenty of times when she used the “f” word to make great TV moments.


I love Kyle. She is really all of the goals for me, but I just can’t help cracking up when someone who is usually so chill gets riled up. Whenever she drops the “f” bomb, she delivers some of the best lines.


Kyle only curses when she means it. She is not coughing out “f–k” in every day conversation, so when Kyle goes there, you better watch out because you know she really means it. Aside from the cathartic release of emotion, the best thing to come out of Kyle‘s expression of anger are these legendary reality TV moments that will be forever quoted.

GIF Credit: RealityTVGIFs/Tumblr – and check out his store here, too! I’m so ordering this at Christmas time.

Main Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo

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