Happy Birthday To Us! Reality Tea Turns 7!

Where did the time go?!  Can you believe it has been seven years today since the very first post was written on Reality Tea?! Seven! That makes us like the equivalent of a second grader, right?  Makes perfect sense.  We would’ve invited you to our birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese but I don’t think the world could handle us all in one location… well, other than right here on the site, that is.  😉

In all seriousness, we’re excited and grateful that after seven years you are still hanging in there with us – through the good reality shows and the bad! We can’t say thank you enough to all of you for riding this crazy train of reality TV fandom with us! We never take it for granted!

Keep an eye out as we bring you some special birthday-related fun throughout the rest of the month! 



Photo Credit: Getty

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