Coco Believes Only Unhealthy Pregnant Women Have Morning Sickness; Shares Ultrasound Photo To Prove She’s Pregnant!

Coco Austin 5 months pregnant

Most ladies worry about gaining too much while pregnant – not Coco! The former reality star, turned talk show, host who is pregnant with her first child, reveals she’s lost her appetite and lost 10lbs when she ditched booze after learning she was knocked up. But her boobs are getting bigger and bigger, so at least that’s good news, right?!

Given that Coco is not like most women, she doesn’t do anything the usual way. “Think of a pregnant lady and I’m almost always the opposite of her,” she declares. Coco has started a pregnancy blog to chronicle her pregnancy experiences and share what she’s learned with other women. 

Through her blog Coco dispenses advice, such as her belief that stress over baby weight makes pregnant ladies eat more and therefore get fatter. Above, Coco shows off her itty-bitty baby bump, writing “See? U can see a baby bump? 5 months” 


Coco also believes only unhealthy women have morning sickness (Kate Middleton do you care to chime in here?).”If you’re healthy, you probably don’t get as sick as much,” describes Ice-T‘s wife. “I believe the girls that do get sick, they’re trying to detox their bodies and that’s why they throw up more. I didn’t get sick. One time I got sick and it was at night and that was pretty much it.” Hmmmm… not so much, honey. But whatever Dr. Coco. 

“Everyone is also so worried about weight issues and gaining weight. I did a lot of research on this and you’re really not supposed to be gaining weight until your second trimester,” explains Coco. “So if you’re already trying to put in more calories when you first think you’re pregnant, you are so wrong.” 

Lucky for Coco she’s not experiencing unhealthy cravings and all of her weight gain is happening in her boobs. Somewhere Kim Kardashian is stabbing a Coco voodoo doll… “Basically, I notice that I eat very little, I pee a lot and yes, my boobs are getting bigger. Bigger than they already are! I don’t know how that’s going to happen but we already know they are big so I don’t know where they are going. I might have to get some bras made.” 

“For me, I actually lost 10 pounds before I started gaining baby weight. I think a lot of it has to do with food. My cravings are fruit and Shirley Temples,” Coco continues. “I’m really not that hungry very much. I will literally get full within a couple of bites and that’s it. Knock on wood because any day it could change but right now, I have a positive attitude.” 

Coco also believes that giving up alcohol was linked to her first trimester weight drop. “When I took alcohol out of the equation, I lost all of the weight,” she explains. “Like, every single night I have some wine. Of course I stopped drinking right when I got pregnant, but I think that has a lot to do with it.” 

Her best advice to pregnant ladies is to relax. “The more you stress about something, the more you struggle through it. I’m a very positive, optimistic person,” educates Coco. “I’ve always been and you have a guardian angel and that guardian angel will step up to help. Just rely on you, your intuition and your guardian angel.”

As a result of continued slim figure and barely any baby bump, Coco has been facing accusations that she’s faking her pregnancy and using a surrogate. To silence the haters, Coco shared an ultrasound photo of her daughter, who will be named Chanel Nicole, and confirmed she is due in December. 

Coco Austin 5 months ultrasound[Photo Credit: Instagram]

“Closeup of Baby Chanel Nicole! To all the non believers about me not having a baby bump.As you can see here, there really is a baby growing inside of me. I’m 5 1/2 months already due Dec. I’ve workout and have stayed healthy my entire life so my ab muscles are super tight and taking longer to expand.. Thanks to all the compliments comparing me to Sarah Stage (the model that had abs her entire pregnancy but had a healthy baby). Even though I would like to stay small I feel my tummy will pop sooner or later.. I may also look slimmer to you now because when I first got pregnant. I actually lost 10 pounds instead of gain. The reason, I believe, is because I stopped drinking alcohol. I would always have at least a glass of wine every night. So just recently in my 2nd trimester I finally started gaining but only 5 pounds so far. Hope this answers most of your questions”

Well thanks for illuminating us with your medical findings Coco. What journal is this information peer-reviewed in again? 


[Main Photo Credit: Instagram]






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