When I saw Starbucks’ new “Meet Me At Starbucks” campaign this week, it reminded me of the way I think of our community here at Reality Tea. It’s sort of our virtual Starbucks. We all fire up our phones and laptops and tablets and grab our morning coffee (or Passion Tango Iced Tea Lemonade in my case because summer is over and my beloved Blackberry Mojita is gone, gone, gone) and we hang out and dissect the day’s reality TV news, gossip, and latest episodes.
When I watched the video featuring all of these people from 28 countries coming together for a million reasons, it made me think how cool it would be if we could all REALLY meet up at Starbucks and chat in person and spill the tea together! But we’d have to bring along little signs with “up arrows” because we wouldn’t know how to interact without them! Then again, would they let us in? We can get a little fired up and rowdy around here….
*This is a sponsored post, but all babble, thoughts and opinions are entirely mine. 😉