Exclusive: Ryan Serhant Says Season Three Of Million Dollar Listing New York Will Be Like World War III! Introduces His Girlfriend!

ryan serhant mdlny

Million Dollar Listing New York season three kicks off tomorrow and Ryan Serhant sat down with us to chat about what we can expect (a war) and gives us the exclusive news that his girlfriend will be appearing on the show this season!

I always love my job here at RT. What better way to get away from my day job than to pour a glass of wine or three and spend the evening with my favorite reality stars? Of course, yesterday, I loved this job more than normal as I got to have my morning coffee with none other than the star of Bravo's Million Dollar Listing: New York. That's right, I spent some time chatting with Ryan Serhant. Be jealous. It's only natural! 😉 If you're like me (and I know most of you are!), you're waiting anxiously for the third season of MDL: NY which premieres tomorrow night, April 2nd, at 9 PM ET/PT. 


Ryan was kind enough to give me some exclusive scoop on what to expect on the upcoming season, and of course I asked about his business relationship (read: real estate feud) with the green tea swilling, Karate Kid impersonating Fredrik Eklund, as well as the status of his former pet pig Kevin Bacon. As expected, Ryan was extremely personable and charming, and I was as breezy and witty with my questions as…oh, I don't know…the most dorky and awkward person you could imagine!  

Unfortunately for me, all of my "that sounds super" and "wow, cool" riveting dialog was thwarted when he revealed that he had a girlfriend we would meet in the premiere episode. Curses! Perhaps I should stick to writing about reality stars instead of attempting to converse with them. Regardless, Ryan and I will always have that phone conversation over coffee in the parking lot of the law firm where I work. Ahh…memories!

When I asked Ryan what viewers could expect from season three of Million Dollar Listing: New York, he laughed, saying, "World War III. I am exhausted physically and emotionally from this whole filming process. It's been pretty, pretty crazy.  You know, the market is on fire, and so are the three of us. We're all fighting for the same thing, so I think that's the best way to describe it…World War III. [It’s] bare knuckles between me and Fredrick. Plus, I got thrown into the ring a little bit with Luis Ortiz this season, so that should be interesting because he's a lot smaller than me." That he is.

I wondered if the drama with Frederick would be comparable to what we've seen in the past, to which Ryan responded, "I would say more, but it would depend on your definition of normal. It just keeps escalating and escalating and escalating and getting bigger and bigger. The market gets crazier and crazier. You know, in season one, things were still sitting on the market for a good bit of time, and confidence was still low."

Ryan continues, "Now you put an apartment on the market and if it's in a good location and priced right, it's sold in twenty-two minutes. The three of us being as competitive as we are, the market being as insane as it is, the properties are just so crazy, it's honestly the best way to describe it: World War III: Million Dollar Listing New York style." That should totally be the show's tag line. Are you reading this, Andy Cohen

Being quite the real estate geek, I wanted to know what was the craziest listing Ryan had ever encountered. In full disclosure, I may have even prefaced it with, "Like dungeons and such." #loser #whatwasIthinking? #toomuchCartonGebbia. Ryan replied, "Oh man, I've seen thousands and thousands and thousands of apartments…I mean the season finale in season two last year was pretty crazy for me–the church apartment. That was a wild ride going into that apartment on the Upper West Side."

Giving a bit of a teaser, Ryan added, "There's a townhouse that we feature on season three this year. I don't know what episode it is, but it's a townhouse on the Upper East Side. I don't want to give too much away but literally, these people were very wealthy. They built this townhouse in 1983…in the great, great, great time of 1983. And then they left. They walked out the door, they locked it, and no one had ever touched it since 1985. We went in for the first time with cameras, and, you know what? I think that might be the winner. It was the craziest thing I've ever done. Marty McFly was in there. He was hanging out with Biff…it was nuts." Props for the Back to the Future reference. Solid! I'd like to tell you I said something hilarious about a Delorean or quoted something about Michael J. Fox being in the Coast Guard with his life vest (what a great movie!), but I think I just said, "Cool! Super!" How am I not thriving in the entertainment industry?  

Channeling my inner Brian Williams, I had to have my hard-hitting journalist moment. I asked Ryan about the pig. I think he was extremely a bit taken aback by such an odd inquiry, but he didn't miss a beat, joking, "I have visitation. I have to pay child support. She sends me photos, I send her photos. We tweet. We Skype. My old driver lives in the Bronx and has a house and a big backyard. The pig is like 150 pounds now, so I do not believe in teacup pigs anymore because they just don't exist. The pig is just chilling." Good to know. Some may even say, "Super!" God, it should be a drinking game.

Hitting up the West Coast franchise, I wondered who Ryan would most–and least–like to work with from Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles. He remarked, "You know, this is an interesting question because I just opened our Los Angeles office, and we actually filmed it. So one of the episodes this season will be me in Los Angeles which should be interesting because it's like a fish out of water. I was totally overdressed, I had no idea what was going on. I was like the whitest guy out there, and I don't speak the language." Someone may need to hit up Sonja Morgan's spray tan service in Manhattan! 

Ryan shared, "I have done some things with Josh Flagg before, so I think I could work with him. I think Madison [Hildebrand] would be difficult to work with because he's just so pretty." At this point I blurted out, "Yeah, and who'd want to work with Josh Altman?" (really, who would?), to which I was schooled, "I'd work with Josh Altman, but you only asked me about two. {oops!} I'd enjoy being on the same side of the deal with him, but I don't know if I'd want him negotiating against me."

As for his guiltiest pleasure on Bravo, Ryan explained, "I like Andy and watching Watch What Happens Live. I don't know if you'd call it a guilty pleasure because it's such a great show, and he's hilarious. I do love to watch that, but I'm not in front of my TV a lot. I'm working, I'm at the office. I get home at like 11 PM, and just put on WWHL and slowly decompress, pass out, and wake up and do it all over again."

And now for the burning question we all want to know–is Ryan still single? I blushed while asking, to be totally honest. He admitted, "I actually have a girlfriend now, and you'll actually meet her on Wednesday night. I just watched the premiere episode and she's on the premiere episode. So that is a roller coaster, let me tell you. It adds to my World War III chaos," coyly saying they'd been together "a while."

Discussing why we should set our DVRs, Ryan hypes, "I mean, I think it's the craziest season yet. Season one I feel like we were trying to figure it out, and neither of us had done anything like this before. Season two, we kind of got our sea legs and we knew what we were doing. Now, season three, it's, like I said, white knuckle brawls in very fine tailored suits. It's going to be insane. Tell all of your friends to tune in." 

Oh don't worry. I will. And it will be super. And cool. And super cool. Lord, I'm such a tool!  Many thanks to Ryan for taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk to me about season three of Million Dollar Listing: New York, and make sure you're watching tomorrow night at 9 PM ET/PT! 


[Photo Credit: Twitter]

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