RHOA’s Kandi Burruss Dishes On Her Engagement, Pre-Nups, And Daughter Riley; Plus New Music From Kandi!


This year has already started out with a bang for Real Housewives of Atlanta's Kandi Burruss.  Not only did she get engaged to beau Todd Tucker on New Year's, but she's also debuting some new music which is clearly inspired by her new, happy life.

Kandi has never been one to mince words (she's also been caught stirring the pot every once in a while!), and she is no different when writing her weekly blog entry for Bravo.  This week, she takes her time to explain some of what viewers have seen so far regarding her relationship with both Todd and her daughter.  She also discusses the need to be practical when it comes to marriage and money…you can't be totally blinded by love when you've got as much cash as Kandi!


The reality star's blog was pretty lengthy this week, but she touched on some very discussion worthy topics, in my opinion.  I've passed over the great donkey versus stallion booty debate, and instead focused on Kandi's belief in pre-nups, as well as words for those who criticized her for introducing daughter Riley to Todd too soon.  She has some very strong opinions, and is as frank as always.  Kandi shares the following in her Bravo blog:

Well, if you haven’t heard I’m engaged! That wasn’t on any of the episodes. That just happened on New Years. Todd popped the question. I was shocked to find out that at the same time Gregg [Leakes] popped the question to NeNe! Congratulations to them! I guess love was in the air for the beginning of 2013. We all are starting our year off right. I am happy, excited, and curious about what the future holds for me and my family.

Since I’m newly engaged, I’m going to touch on a couple of things in the last couple of episodes that would be related to marriage and family. First I’ll go back to my conversation with Porsha [Stewart] about pre-nups. I do believe in pre-nups. I know that some people feel if you are truly in love and are planning to be dedicated to your marriage that a pre-nup somehow means the person requesting the pre-nup is expecting the marriage to fail. I don’t agree. I feel like it’s a safety precaution. Just like if you have a fire extinguisher in your home it doesn’t mean you expect it to burn down, but you’re just prepared to put out the fire before it starts if need be. I’ve had friends and associates who didn’t get a pre-nup say “they didn’t need one,” “she or he would never do that,” etc. But then later when they got divorced, things got ugly, and the person tried to get everything, they were like, “I would have never thought they would have done that to me,” “she or he is not the person I married,” blah, blah, blah. I feel like people do some crazy and vindictive things when they’re hurt, so I think there should be agreements set in place while everyone is thinking clearly. That way if D-day ever comes (and hopefully it won’t, but if it does), then it doesn’t have to get uglier and more hurtful than it already is.

Moving right along, let’s go to the talk with my daughter and Todd. Riley cracked me up when she said she met him and a month later he was moving in. She was exaggerating. I dated him for a few months, introduced her to him, and a month later he was spending the night a lot. LOL! Todd didn’t move in until we moved to the new house, which probably was nine months into our relationship, six months after Riley met him. It is always a big relate to my situation. I have been a single mom, and I was raised in a single parent home.

What works for me and my daughter debate as to when the right time is to introduce your child to someone. It kills me when people like Wendy Williams, who had both of her parents in her life and is now raising her child with his father her husband, dog me out saying what they think about my daughter meeting the man I’m dating. I personally feel if you’ve never been a single parent or the child of a single parent household, then don’t pass judgment. You cannot may not work for everyone, but I will try to shed some light on how we’ve done things. My daughter and I had a long talk one day, and she told me that she wanted to meet the guys that I was considering dating when we were in the just friends phase. I said to her no that’s not cool because she doesn’t need to meet every guy I date. I didn’t want her to see different men coming around. In response she said, “Well if they are just your friend, then there’s nothing wrong with me meeting them, but I don’t want you to wait until you love them for me to meet them, because what if I don’t like them? Then you may not want to break up with him, and I’ll be unhappy.”

I made a vow from the time she was born that if any man couldn’t love my daughter and treat her with love, then he would get dropped like a bad habit. I don’t feel like a kid should meet every person that their parent dates, but if it’s someone you see yourself wanting to get serious with, then why not? Meeting them doesn’t mean you’re being intimate or inappropriate in front of your kids. If you date someone for two years and you’re deeply in love and ready to get married before you introduce them to your child, but then they meet your child and you see they aren’t good with kids or they are mean or they really just don’t connect with your child, would you still marry them? I wouldn’t. So that would have been two years wasted for me.

Well everyone has to do what works for them, and this is what has worked for me and my daughter. Todd asked Riley for her blessings before he proposed to me, and she was standing right there for moral support when he popped the question. It meant everything to me that she was happy about it. I believe that Todd will be a great step-father to Riley like my step-dad Leroy Jones was to me. I wrote a song about him on my last album. If you get a chance, go to iTunes and download Leroy Jones. I describe real moments from my childhood and how he was there for me and my brother. Great men do exist!

From the lyrics of Kandi's new song, it's sounds like Todd is one of the great ones as well.  Wetpaint is sharing her newest song, “Baby I’m Good.”  It's the first track we've had from Kandi in months, and it's upbeat nature is at the other end of the spectrum of her hits like "Fly Above."  Her latest tune clearly expresses her recent state of romantic bliss…with maybe a bit of Kandi Koated Nights mixed in for good measure. 

Don't believe me?  Here's a tease of some of the lyrics: “I just wanna sit back, relax / Baby why don’t you rub my back / Spend the love time with my man / Baby oh yeah, like that / I just wanna stay home, make love, I’m longing for your touch / Watch a flick and cuddle up, doing nothing is enough.”  Dayum!

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what Kandi has to say about pre-nups and how she approached balancing dating and her daughter!




[Photo Credit: Instagram]








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