Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape Sales Sky Rocket With Pregnancy Announcement; Plus Fun News In Parental Presumption For Kris Humphries!

kim kanye

As if Kim Kardashian and Kanye West procreating wasn't enough, now there is even more disturbing news.  I don't even know how one correlates with the other, but perhaps if I type it quickly, it can get out of my head equally as fast.  Or not.  There are just some things you can't unread. 

Here goes nothing!  So, now that Kimye is having an aby-bay, ales-say for her ex-say ape-tay have gone through the roof.  Seriously?  Nothing says "congrats on the bun in your oven" like purchasing a video of the mom engaged in some nasty, nasty sexy times.  Nothing people do surprises me anymore.


TMZ is reporting that sales for Kim K. Superstar (how did I not know that was the name of this insanity??) have increased eighty percent (yes!  Eighty!!) since Kim confirmed her pregnancy.  According to a rep for Vivid Entertainment, the company which owns the rights to the golden gem, this spike in sales is the biggest jump since Kim married Kris Humphries.  He should be proud.

Not that Kanye isn't doing his part.  Sales have been steadily increasing since he started wooing Kimmie Kakes.  Everybody wins–including Ray J!  Cha-ching!

Speaking of the Hump, the same site has some pretty hilarious legal insight into parental presumption in the state of California. Congratulations, Kris–you are the father!  Well, not really, but seeing as he's still married to Kim, he could potentially stake his claim on little Kimye.  I mean, we all know it's not his baby, and I'm sure he wouldn't want to touch this craziness with a ten-foot pole, but it could make things interesting in the divorce proceedings.

Admittedly, I am not very familiar with the fault grounds for divorce in California, but in my state, this would be a clear cut case of adultery even though Kim and Kris have been separated.  I realize Kris wants an annulment, but maybe this baby could make things interesting.  Because of the presumption that Kim's husband would be her baby's father, Kim and Kanye would have to provide the court with "clear and convincing evidence" that Kanye knocked up Kim. 

Mark my words…throw in a murder, and this will all be playing out on an episode of Law and Order: SVU in no time!


[Photo Credit: Twitter]

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