NYC Housewife Countess LuAnn Debuts New Music Video!

LuAnn video shoot

Move over Madonna Lady Gaga No one! There’s a new pop icon on the scene! The long anticipated and highly awaited crap music video by the one and only Countess has arrived!

The video of the classic “Money Can’t Buy You Class” hit the web on Friday, and according to LuAnn de Lesseps of the Real Housewives of New York City, the video was “leaked.”

LuAnn, 44,  tweeted on Friday, “Well the cats out of the bag! Someone leaked my video!” Sure they did Countess. In the video, which was shot last month, LuAnn can be seen surrounded by a fleet of chiseled eye candy.

“There’s not really dancing,” said LuAnn of the video concept. “I just have very good looking men standing around. And it’s about how money can’t buy you class, so I’m taking money out of their pockets and throwing it onto the floor.”

The exclusive and not heavily air brushed video of LuAnn is below! Enjoy at your own risk.

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