16 And Pregnant Recap: #FamilyFirst

Karley Shipley Tony Shipley

On last night's episode of 16 And Pregnant seventeen-year-old former Mormon Karley Shipley welcomed TWIN girls.

Karley and baby-daddy-turned-husband Tony are polar opposites; they met when straight-A student Karley tutored tatted-up bad boy jerk (aka Adam Lind 2.0) Tony, who ended up dropping out of high school – but at least he got learning in the ways of love.

After finding out she was pregnant, Karley and Tony decided to get married and they moved in with her parents. She switched to homeschooling and abandoned her plans to pursue a scholarship to University of Utah while Tony works full-time at an autobody shop. Sounds sweet, right? Nope! Tony just can't get his priorities straight. It turns out the couple was fighting when Karley found out she was pregnant and Tony thought she was lying to trap him. And this sounds like the perfect time to get married, right? Stability 101! Tony is glad, however, because he thinks the situation has made him grow up. If last night was a grown up Tony, then that's astonishing. 


Karley's parents are really supportive and try to respect the couple's boundaries – especially Tony's – but he resents them for existing and doesn't want their advice. Remember how he's grown up now, you guys! He wants to save up money for them to move out, but Karley's mom, Syndee, would rather they stay at home since she worries about them being able to manage everything as teenagers. Teenagers with twins. Actually Karely plus three babies. She's out-numbered, y'all!

The reality is they simply don't have enough money since Tony only makes $900 – $1100 per month. When Syndee tries to point out the financial reality, Tony dismisses her concerns, "I'll worry about that when the time comes, cause I'm just not a worry person. I just go as it comes." Unfortunately so do babies, which means a lot of diapers. And other baby stuff, which is why worrying about finances is a necessity!

Syndee really tries to bite her tongue with Tony and you can tell she really loves and cares about her daughter, but isn't sure what to do to help Karley. Tony's "carefree" attitude escalates the closer the couple gets to the birth. He skips a doctor appointment to get a tattoo. And here's some good old fashioned irony: his tattoo that he spent money the couple doesn't have on reads, "Family First". 

Continuing to argue about money, Tony suggests Karley also get a job so they can move out faster, but she points out that she'll be caring for their babies (and not to mention how much daycare for twins would cost!). "That kinda just means a longer process to us moving out," he whines, "That kinda really pisses me off." Tony complains that he's really unhappy living at Karley's parents and doesn't want their help in raising "his" kids. Can you get a refund on tattoos? Cause if I were Karley, you spending money on that would kinda really piss me off! 

16 And Pregnant Tony Shipley

Karley goes into labor and after hours and hours of waiting for one twin to turn from the breach position, she ends up with an emergency c-section. Karely and Tony welcome Amayah and Amariah (oh yay for some Leah Messer Simms Calvert spellings) on November 14 and both girls are healthy, but because they were a couple weeks early, require a brief stay in NICU. 

At home with the twins Karley is understandably overwhelmed and relies heavily on her family for help while Tony is at work. Despite everything she is keeping up with her home schooling and has accepted her new lifestyle. Tony, on the other hand, does not. Tony has stopped talking about moving out because if they do he'll have to do work taking care of the girls instead of Karley's family pitching in. Instead he's decided to buy a new truck. A three-seater truck. Because they're a family of four. Karely calls him out for wasting money on things he wants vs. things they need and he tells her he gets to do what he wants because he earns the money. "I don't know how I'm not putting them first," a dense Tony complains, "I go to work everyday." #FamilyFirst

Karley bursts into tears of resentment, "I can't do anything," she sobs. "I've given up everything!" She wishes she could go out and work to have control over their money, but she has to stay home and take care of their daughters. Annnnd… then Tony buys the truck anyway! Which is a totally beater POS (it barely starts!) that he spent $850 on. His reason for buying it: so he can go mudding! #FamilyFirst 

16 And Pregnant Karley Shipley Twins

After not answering his phone, Tony walks in the house and announces, "So guess what I did – I bought the truck!" Karley is furious. "I've never been so hurt and so disappointed and so pissed off before," a tearful Karley tells Tony. It dissolves into a huge obscenity-laden blowup that unfortunately takes place while the couple is holding their infant daughters. Oh no! Tony storms out after telling Karley, "Kiss my a$$." #FamilyFirst

Tony comes back the next day, but his relationship with Karley is strained and he ends up in an argument with Syndee about how ungrateful and irresponsible he is. As Tony calls his mother-in-law a "crazy bitch" (while holding his daughter), and tells her to "Shut the f–k up!", Karley kicks him out. After the fight Syndee hyperventilates with stress. Karley's parents are really frustrated (and worried) because her irresponsibility coupled with Tony's unrealistic attitude and selfishness means they are paying for a lot of the twins' needs. #FamilyFirst

The next day Tony acts as if the blowout never happened. He claims he just has trouble accepting that he has to plan for the future instead of living "day by day" and blames Syndee for the issues. Karley defends her mom and tries again to steer Tony in the right direction. He does. not. get. it, but lamely apologizes. "I guess I have to grow up," he admits and says he's going to think about selling the new truck so they have money to move out.  

16 And Pregnant Karley Shipley, Mom Syndee

Karley tells us if she could go back in time she wouldn't try to date a bad boy fixer upper would go on birth control. While she has grown up and realized her daughters are her world, Tony is still living in denial, aka Peter Pan land. Karley really seems mature, well-spoken, and realistic – I have no idea how she ended up with him. "I have to understand he's still a teenager," Karley tells us. "Since I've had the babies it makes me realize all that I'm missing out on," Karley adds, naming college, going to school, and relying on her parents for everything. "I don't blame anyone else but myself. It really is my own fault." 

There's no update on this couple, save for a statement on Karley's "Official" facebook fanpage saying there was a lot of editing and we did not see the whole picture of their situation or Tony. I assume the couple is still together, although Karley has no social media pages of her own. Also, Karley has now dyed her hair brown. 

Karley Shipley Update 1

Karley Shipley Update 2

[Photo Credits: MTV & Facebook]


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